
What is the correct economic status of private property?


  1. The first choice represents the school of thought known as libertarianism, classical liberalism, or Austrian economics. This perspective holds that private property is a natural right, and that the protection of property rights and the ability to freely exchange goods and services is essential for economic prosperity and individual freedom.
  2. The second choice represents the school of thought known as socialism, which holds that private property is the root of inequality and oppression, and that the state should use regulation, transfer payments, and redistribution to achieve fairness and justice for all members of society.
  3. The third choice represents the school of thought known as social democracy or welfare state capitalism. This perspective holds that private property is an important component of society but should be subject to regulation and modification in the interest of the general good. The state must intervene to prevent abuses of economic power and ensure social welfare.
  4. The forth choice represents the school of thought known as Neo-classical economics. This perspective holds that property is central to prosperity and economic growth, and that the state should maintain and modify the bundle of property rights in such a way as to allocate transactions costs in such a way as to promote maximum growth and economic efficiency. This perspective is based on the efficiency and the market-based approach.

What is the proper method to conduct research in economic science?

  1. The first choice represents the school of thought known as Austrian economics. This perspective holds that the proper method for conducting research in economic science is to start with self-evident axioms, such as that people try to achieve the highest satisfaction at the lowest cost, and deduce conclusions from them. This perspective emphasizes the importance of human action and subjective attitudes in economic analysis.
  2. The second choice represents the school of thought known as positivism, which holds that the proper method for conducting research in economic science is to construct precise models that yield quantitative predictions about economic variables, such as GDP and unemployment. These predictions should then be tested against actual data. This perspective emphasizes the importance of statistical analysis and testing hypotheses.